The Job Hunt

In the old days, it was always though to find a job.   A job hunt meant walking for hours each day in a busy metropolis to find a job. I had that bad experience myself of going around different office establishments trying to find a job.  Of course, the saddest part about it is that rejection is harder to take when you are tired and often times dazed.  It is a good thing that they invented the Internet.  Along with the Internet came the advent of a new form job hunt.  Hunting for an IT Position is quite easier when you don't even have to leave home.  

Gone are the days when you have to walk along a busy street and beg for a job in nearly every establishment that you have to visit.  You can now sit comfortably at home and just visit job sites.  Any job is not too hard to find.  You can even search for jobs in other countries.  


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