Wise home buyer

I know a friend who invested her money for a house that was ready for foreclosure. Of course, when you say foreclosure, it will cost you less and give you huge profit when you sell it at higher price. It's a matter of investment too. There are some Free Foreclosures listing nowadays. I heard about Free REO foreclosures and Real Estate Owned Foreclosures which are really good when you are up to something like this. I'm not sure if my friend got the idea from this websites but I find her a wise home buyer. Though she didn't sell the house after she bought it because she lives in it now with her family, but she got it with a very low price. She so lucky actually.
I feel like I badly need our own house. So sick and tired of renting a small place. Our kids are growing and they need their own space. Unfortunately, the decision is not in my hands. I don't have the right to decide because I'm not earning well and of course I can't contribute when the mortgage starts. If I don't have kids, I surely can work full time and able to earn enough to buy a house. You know what I mean.


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